Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Foot" Notes - Day 38 - Surgery for Hallux Limitus

Hello again!

Walking short distances with a focus on correct gait. Physical therapy is fun with the balancing, dexterity and strength exercises. My foot feels better every day. Starting to get excited to go hiking in two weeks!

Here is a current photo of how my foot is healing.

Monday, October 8, 2012

"Foot" Notes - Day 21 - Surgery on Hallux Limitus

Today is three weeks post-op.   As you can see I have new taping from my physical therapist to reduce edema and inflammation.  Still no medications at this point.

I am taking the supplements, Bromelain, Curcurmin and Vitamin C  to encourage healing, reduce inflammation and manage pain, which has helped tremendously.

The Physical therapy sounds simple: wiggle my toes. Actually there are many exercises and I am doing them all day long!

Monday, October 1, 2012

"Foot" Notes - Day 13 - Surgery on Hallux Limitus

First outing with roll-a-bout. The roll-a-bout is best suited for those who have injuries below the knee.  This includes heel spurs, diabetic ulcers, infections, fractures, dislocations, ruptured tendons, sprained ankles, or where a lower leg surgical operation is necessary.  

What a wonderful day!

"Foot" Notes - Day 12 - Surgery on Hallux Limitus

Seems to be healing very well. The stitches are out and I get the post-op x-rays today.

I'm taking lots of bromelain, Curcumin and Vitamin C to help bone and tissue heal, reduce inflammation and ease the ache.